- M.S. in Robotics, Carnegie Mellon University, 2021-present
- B.S. in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Wisconsin Madison, 2017-2021
Profession experience
- May 2022-August 2022: Software Development Intern at Apple
- Modeled a MIMO crosstalk channel with input synchronization, causality enforcement
- Performed cross-language programming with pybind11
- Implemented reproducibility check and C++ undefined behavior check in Gitlab CI pipeline
- Conducted performance analysis with PyTest and Linux Perf tool and flame graph
Research experience
- May 2019 - May 2021: Undergraduate Research Assistant
- University of Wisconsin Madison Quantum Transport Theory and Simulation group
- Supervisor: Professor Irena Knezevic
- Research topic: Exciton transport in carbon nanotube film
- Dean’s list (Every semester)
- Aston & James Publishing Scholarship (2019)
- Hilldale Undergraduate Research Fellowship (2020)
Programming Languages and softwares
- C++/C, Java, Python, Matlab, Verilog, R
- Git, Linux System, TensorFlow, PyTorch, OpenMP, OpenGL, CMake
- ECE 551 Undergrad Lab Assistant
- Helped undergraduate students the Verilog language in a flipped classroom setting.
- Answered questions about class exercises and homework.